Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (2023-2024)

Venue in 2023-2024.

Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (STL) is a dance performance and development center in Tallinn, Estonia. STL’s vision is to focus on contemporary dance art in its various forms of expression. In addition to performances, they host workshops, creative residencies, educational lectures, the platform Premiere for up- and coming choreographers, and the artist platform Greenfield. The stage room is 154 m2 and can be used as a black box or a white box.

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Venue specifications

STL is supplied with technical provisions having in mind the creative needs of dance artists (open space of 11*14 meters, wood flooring, clean and warm room, daylight conditions, nowadays sanitary conditions, enough technical things and small audience era). Technical specifications can be found here.


STL is an accessible space on a wheelchair, with access at street level. Unfortunately, you need a guide to access the toilets available for people in wheelchairs.

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