Choreographer and multidisciplinary artist. Shorlady conceives herself as an indigenous-African-European artist. She is currently studying at the Conservatory of Dance at L’Institut del Teatre specializing in choreography and performance.

She has worked in performance and visual arts with artists such as: Rigoberta Bandini, Marial Arnal, Becca Stevens among others, and with choreographers such as Alesandra Seutin, Aimar Perez Galí, Marta Ros, Helena Gispert, among others. Film directors, such as Irene Moray, Elena Martín Gimeno, María Trénor, Irene Baque.

She has worked in projects coordinated by the Festival de les llums. Het Theater Festival, Festival Grec. She is currently part of the collective Tinta Negra in Barcelona. 

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