#yodo – you only die once (GER) 2024-2025

Michi Maxi Schulz, Luana Àsiba Madikera and Virginnia Ogechi Krämer form a unique triple since collaborating for „#yodo -you only die once“ residency at Heizhaus Berlin in fall 2023. Coming from different backgrounds and interests such as traditional and urban african dance, acting, political organising, end-of-life care, dance education and poetic research, the three aim to further develop immersive artistic formats that invite people to get in touch with (their own) death, dying, grief and understanding of care work. They curiously curate containers to open up, exchange and learn together on these topics which are otherwise culturally marginalized in western contexts. Part of their emerging research is visiting dying people at local hospices, inviting death and grief experts for exchange and developing various artistic practices and scores around questions like: Would I regret anything if I would die today? Where can I feel grief in my body? What do I want to wear at my own funeral? 

Parcitipating artists

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