Luana Naquin a.k.a Luana Madikera (GER)

Luana Naquin a.k.a Luana Madikera (she/her) is a multidisciplinary dancer who uses poetry, words, images, music and performance in her practice. Luana specializes in modern and urban African dances as well as traditional Afro-Caribbean dances. She uses various improvisation techniques and dance techniques (contemporary, pole dance…). Luana is currently researching the African heritage of the Afro-Caribbean population.

She is exploring the concepts of resilience, black identity, resistance, intergenerational trauma and decoloniality through music, traditional and modern dances of different African cultures. Luana researches the somatic aspects of dance and how dance can be a companion to life situations (for traumas, emotions, life phases…). In addition, Luana works as a dance teacher and gives Afrofusion workshops and dance classes for dance schools, events and clubs. Luana is part of the Tropical Bass Band “La Byle“, with whom she regularly performs. 

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