Master of ceremonies, rhapsode, facilitator, carpenter. Singer and writer of the rap group “BOCAdeBABA” and the rap-metal group “Prosòdia”. They moderate events such as Rima Hip Hop Fest, Cabaret Trans, Festival de Curts de Terror Can Batlló, Assajar és de cobards, Cabaret de Risc de 9barris. In 2021 they performed in “Heroïnes o res”, directed by I. Morales and D. Climent, premiered at the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya. In 2022 they participated in the research residency “Ramas y Rizomas” with La Cosateria Teatre, at the Sala Mutant in Valencia, and in the creation -assistant director and sound space- of the piece “En mi piel todos los bosques”, by L. Lloret Veciana, premiered at the Sala Ultramar. They participated as an interpreter in “Amor, matrimoni i altres assumptes menors” at Sala Beckett Barcelona, in the context of Grec 2022. They write and promote videos. Workshop teacher on rap, creation and LGTBIQ+ diversity.   

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