Pianist, composer, DJ facilitator in Ecstatic Dance and actor. They have worked as a classical piano player until their condition in chronic fatigue. They are a member of “Trans*poesía”, a music-poetic project of love and politics around the trans experience. They have composed and performed the music of Akompasado, by Jordi Cortès contemporary dance company. They are the creator of “Patas Arriba, guerrila poético musical” (@patasarriba21), together with the poet Gemma Almagro. They have founded “Ecstatic Dance Barbàrie project” (@ecstaticdancebarbarie), a safe space for BIPOC, neurodiverse people and sexual, gender and functional diversities. They promote the visibility of transfeminist and functional diversity movements and participate in the integrated dance company Liant la Troca. They are a collaborator of “Associació Endometriosi Catalunya”.  

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