Marie Peeters (BE)

Marie Peeters (she/her, 1996, Leuven), studied Art History, Musicology and Theatre Studies at the University of Ghent (2018) and Film and Theatre Studies at UAntwerpen (2019). During her studies, she did dramaturgy internships at fABULEUS for Merlijn of het barre land  and at Ontroerend Goed for Loopstation.  

Since graduating, she has collaborated on performances as a dramaturge for various theatre, circus and dance companies such as collectief dOFt (TWEESTRIJD, Kapottepoppenkoppen, Zozoöfzo, Dummies en FOON), Menzo Kircz (Onduidelijke Correspondenties), Hanna Mampuys/fABULEUS (Softies), Ferre Marnef/Desnor (Ponge), Ugo Dehaes/Kwaad Bloed (Simple Machines, Limp), Sofie Palmers/fABULEUS (Off the Record), Wannes Deneer/ Matter Of Sound (Speaking Characters, BALK en RrrrrRrrRrrrrrrrr), THERE THERE Company (Chaïm), Circumstances/Piet Van Dycke (EXIT en Glorious Bodies), (Alice in Randomland), Callebaut en De Broeck (Ob°joie), Senne Vanderschelden, Marius Lefever en Jef Van der Burght (Silly Symphonies), Piet Van Dycke/ fABULEUS (Beyond the Edge), jong theatergezelschap TINT (Q & A) Jakobe Geens (Organiek Mechaniek) and Anouk Friedli (Dans Dans Dans, een spel in bijna tienduizend woorden).  

Marie has been part of the artistic team of fABULEUS since 2023.  

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