Samuel Valor Reyes (BE)

Samuel Valor Reyes (1996, he/him they/them) is a theatermaker graduated from Toneelacademie Maastricht/Institute of Performative Arts and a performance artist of Spanish origin. They are part of the shifting generation of artists living in-between two or more cultures with strong connections to their Andalusian roots and multicultural Limburg.

With a strong fascination for bodies and celebrating the stories and memories we carry through them, Valor Reyes tries to create electricity, disturbance and pure bliss in each movement. The artistic practice always starts from clashing or blending multidisciplinary cross-overs where imagery, shape, movement and purpose meet. Their work pushes the limits of space in relation to the performer, creating worlds that are colorful, confronting, absurd and raw. In these spaces the search for connection, queerness, identity, empowerment, spirituality, falling and jumping bodies are always highlighted.  

Their philosophy is to allow the identity of the performer and their lived experiences be the backbone of the performance. Performance is a transformative space and this space belongs to all of us. In the past few years Valor Reyes has created The Age of Love, The Age of Resurrection, The Motherf*cking End of The Fatherf*cking World, Camp X-Ray, Misfitting in, Bootylicious Bodies, FASHIONCLASH Afterparty and Ravijnenvanrimpels.  

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