Anastasia Krasnoshchoka (DK)

Anastasia Krasnoshchoka is a Ukrainian choreographer and dancer currently based in Denmark. She trained at the Copenhagen Contemporary Dance School and has always harbored a deep passion for dance, despite a non-linear path to her career. Alongside pursuing an academic journey leading to a PhD in laser diode lighting, Anastasia navigated a winding road towards her love for dance. 

Today, she blends her artistic practice with activism work for Ukraine. Within the realm of dance, Anastasia loves to create immersive atmospheres that stir powerful emotions. She embraces improvisation as a vital part of her work, allowing her to craft spontaneous and authentic movements.Furthermore, she firmly believes in using the language of dance to address important social and political issues, utilizing art to spark thought-provoking conversations.  

Her debut full-length work, “Flowers also cry,” is a poignant ode to women in wartime—a documentary-based piece that delves into the diverse roles women assume during times of conflict. Since its premiere in Copenhagen in September 2023, “Flowers also cry” has garnered acclaim, winning the European Charlemagne Youth Prize, representing Denmark and embarking on a successful tour across Scandinavia. 

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