Natalie Cox (DK)

Natalie Cox (US/DK) is a contemporary dance artist currently based in Copenhagen. 

Originally from Los Angeles, CA, she began her dance education at Degas Dance Studio followed by her attendance at the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts. After high school, she attended the Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University and eventually Copenhagen Contemporary Dance School. Following graduation, she continued on to choreograph her own work, teach, and act for film. Most recently she performed in Anastasiia Krasnoshchoka’s work “Flowers Also Cry”, which has now been presented in Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. Artistically, Natalie is interested in utilizing her physicality, and is constantly trying to challenge her habits and tendencies. She loves to tell narratives, and to represent matters that are important to her. For her, dance is inherently political, and can be employed as a powerful tool to embody and give voice to critical issues.  

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