Lúa Mayenco (DK)

Lúa Mayenco Cardenal is a dancer, choreographer, educator and graphic artist. After graduating with honors from the Carmen Amaya Dance Conservatory (Madrid), Lúa moved to New York City to begin her Bachelor of Fine Arts at The Juilliard School. In the Spring of 2020, she became the first Spanish dancer to graduate from this institution and was one of six recipients of the Juilliard Career Advancement Grants in the class of 2020. In August of the same year, Lúa moved to Copenhagen to join Danish Dance Theatre and launch her professional career in Europe. During her time with the company, she has performed nationally and internally the works of renowned choreographers as Ina Christel Johannessen, Roy Assaf, Marie Topp, Fernando Melo, Dorotea Saykaly and Marina Mascarell among others. After closing her fourth season with DDT, Lúa now begins her freelance career from the Danish capital, exploring new ways of developing, connecting and sharing through movement. 

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